PSA Hot Topic OP09 Preorder!

Just wanted to pay it forward for my fellow collectors! Hot topic is doing “preorders” for OP09 that claim to be filled in April. It’s 5 packs per order and free store pickup.

Side Question: My LGS says distributors are out of stock. Hot topic unlisted OP09 a few weeks ago. Now there’s“preorders for OP09” and I imagine that OP10 is where the focus and inventory will be allocated for April. I guess I’m just wondering how and where this is going to come from? Is this a fumble and really needs to be listed for OP10? Thoughts? Anyone else see another wave of OP09 inventory?

Just wanted to pay it forward for my fellow collectors! Hot topic is doing “preorders” for OP09 that claim to be filled in April. It’s 5 packs per order and free store pickup.

Side Question: My LGS says distributors are out of stock. Hot topic unlisted OP09 a few weeks ago. Now there’s“preorders for OP09” and I imagine that OP10 is where the focus and inventory will be allocated for April. I guess I’m just wondering how and where this is going to come from? Is this a fumble and really needs to be listed for OP10? Thoughts? Anyone else see another wave of OP09 inventory?